One more CBC down, way down in terms of numbers if birds. Three counts and the individuals count has been down in all three. Today I was in Territory 1 of the MINWR CBC, a territory I have covered since 1986. The Oak Hammock area has been steadily declining in winter birds although it still wracks up the birds in fall migration. I have not seen a Hermit thrush there in many winters and the Black-thorated green warblers we used to see seem to have died. Numbers of birds in other spots in the area were down as well. I did manage a couple flocks of Cedar waxwings and a Chipping sparrow, both species are sometimes difficult to find on this count.
Tomorrow, I bird for work in Moore Haven, then trek up to Melrose for their CBC the next day. Then Zellwood, and Econ before a day off and the Aripeka-Bayport CBC.
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